CentOS 7 - Installation and Configuration


The purpose of this section is to provide details on how to setup the workery-invoicebuilder project to work for CentOS operating system. This project assumes the following:

  • You have followed the instructions on setting up workery-backend on a CentOS 7 server.
  • You created a service account in CentOS 7 for the name django.
  • Your server supports Python3.


  1. While being logged in as the techops or root user account, run the following code. This will switch your user account to be the service user account.

    su - django
  2. Clone our project.

    cd ~/
    git clone https://github.com/over55/workery-invoicebuilder.git
  3. Setup our virtual environment.

    cd workery-invoicebuilder
    virtualenv -p python3.6 env
    source env/bin/activate
  4. Install our projects dependencies via pip.

    pip install requirements.txt
  5. Confirm the server will start up by running the following in your terminal.

    python invoicebuilder_server.py
  6. You should see the application run successfully. Now terminate it by holding the following keys on your keyboard CTRL + X.

  7. Type the following to switch back to your techops or root user.

  8. We will now modify systemd so our server will start on every computer boot / restart

    sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/invoicebuilder.service
  9. Copy and paste the following code into your terminal and save it.

    Description=Workery InvoiceBuilder Daemon
  10. We can now start the Gunicorn service we created and enable it so that it starts at boot:

    sudo systemctl start invoicebuilder sudo systemctl enable invoicebuilder

  11. Confirm our service is running.

    systemctl status invoicebuilder.service

  12. If the service is working correctly you should see something like this at the bottom:

    raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Workery InvoiceBuilder Daemon.
  13. Congradulations, you have setup the microservice!

  14. If you see any problems, run the following service to see what is wrong. More information can be found in this article.

    sudo journalctl -u invoicebuilder
  15. To reload the latest modifications to systemctl file.

    systemctl daemon-reload